( ! ) Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/header.php on line 17
Call Stack
10.0010358064{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0010358344require( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-blog-header.php' ).../index.php:17
30.375853188448require_once( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-includes/template-loader.php' ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.376753196064include( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/index.php' ).../template-loader.php:106
50.376753196064get_header( ).../index.php:18
60.376753196440locate_template( ).../general-template.php:48
70.376753196552load_template( ).../template.php:745
80.376953214552require_once( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/header.php' ).../template.php:810

( ! ) Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/header.php on line 17
Call Stack
10.0010358064{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0010358344require( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-blog-header.php' ).../index.php:17
30.375853188448require_once( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-includes/template-loader.php' ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
40.376753196064include( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/index.php' ).../template-loader.php:106
50.376753196064get_header( ).../index.php:18
60.376753196440locate_template( ).../general-template.php:48
70.376753196552load_template( ).../template.php:745
80.376953214552require_once( '/home/cpp/public_html/planforcollege.org/wp-content/themes/satprepct/header.php' ).../template.php:810
Case Study – Plan for College
Plan for College
(860) 664-9857

The College Success Program

What we're learning by helping students prepare for college and beyond

The College Success program is in its infancy, and we wanted to keep track of the lessons learned and insights gained throughout the process of getting the program off the ground. This case study will contain monthly updates by Vice President and college mentor Rebekah Brown as she documents her experiences with her students working through the program. Sign up for our newsletter to be informed when new posts are made.

Digital Organization (August 2021)
Sunday August 29, 2021

While students today have become well-adapted to virtual learning environments and platforms, this comfort in the digital realm often has not extended to their organizational methods.For the most part, students […]

As our students worked their way through orientation and course registration and geared up for move-in day, we got the chance to get to know more about them than what […]

Scholarship Bottom Lines (July 2021)
Thursday July 29, 2021

As we reviewed the students’ scholarships, we explained in more detail what benchmarks they had to meet in order to renew the scholarship in coming years. Our current students are […]

Starting college comes with a lot of paperwork and bureaucratic hoops that students have to jump through. While at this point in their academic careers, our students were highly proficient […]

Our pilot year College Success program kicked off this month with a round of informational sessions, applications, and initial meetings. At this point in the summer, students are already completing […]