Our pilot year College Success program kicked off this month with a round of informational sessions, applications, and initial meetings. At this point in the summer, students are already completing online orientations at their colleges and registering for classes, so our very first priority was to help our students navigate all of the requirements and logistics of starting the semester.
Student Objectives:
- To register for courses in line with program and gen-ed requirements, based on placement tests, transfer credits, and prior coursework.
- To submit and authorize all required paperwork, including transcripts, health insurance waivers, and immunization records.
- To understand financial aid and tuition, submit the final bill to Meeting Street, and pay balance by deadline if necessary.
- To prepare logistical details for move-in and beginning of classes; to acquire textbooks and a computer.
- To schedule the next meeting: Community and Health Inventory.
We worked toward each of these student objectives through a one-hour initial meeting, where we reviewed a checklist of items and answered student questions. You can read more about what we covered in our first meetings and student outcomes for the month in our detailed monthly program report below.